Turn your resolutions into routine with this (r)evolutionary health habit

As we speed towards mid January, and the time when many give up on their new years’ resolutions, let’s consider a revolutionary (or perhaps evolutionary) idea - instead of rushing to achieve hard goals, take time to celebrate small wins, stay present, and be kind to yourself.

Finding a balance between motivation and self-compassion is crucial for your successful wellbeing.

The chilly, wet weather and abrupt end of festivities can leave us feeling in a post-holiday slump, a case of the notorious ‘January blues’. So how can self-kindness help us out of the slump?

More than a buzzword, self-kindness is the secret to a healthier, happier you. Besides making life feel generally sunnier, looking after yourself acts like a superhero cape for your mental and physical health. Pilates works on both your mind and body so it’s a super-efficient use of your time!

Pilates: the ultimate self-care bestie.

Picture this: you’re on the mat, breathing in sync with your movements, feeling every stretch and every bit of strength building within you. That’s Pilates—helping you connect with your body, finding grace in every motion, and whispering, “Hey, you’re doing great!”

Have you noticed how a Pilates class can make you feel like you’re floating on a cloud? That’s not your imagination; it’s mindfulness in action! It’s being present, acknowledging the power of your breath, and giving your mind a break from the busyness of life.

Pilates is the champion of body positivity.

Speaking of power—let’s talk about embracing our bodies. This year, try flipping the script on that inner critic; instead of fixating on flaws, embrace them. Love your curves, your lines, and every unique part that makes you, YOU. Say hello to loving every inch of that beautiful vessel you call home.

Now, how do we turn this into our daily anthem?

First rule: throw perfection out the window.

We champion progress not perfection. Every body is different, and every small step is a move toward bigger change. Set realistic goals, prioritise yourself like you’re your own best friend, and sprinkle some Pilates into your routine. Proactively moving our bodies releases endorphins, that boost your mood and overall well-being, it’s scientifically addictive!

We’ve seen magic happen within our Pilates community. Stories of triumph, where self-kindness and Pilates have transformed lives; the newfound confidence, the resilient spirit, and the genuine smiles that light up the studio.

Challenges? They’re part of the journey. That little voice of doubt? We've all got it. So, how do we keep the self-love train moving? By facing any hurdles head-on, swapping tips with classmates, and keeping that Pilates mojo alive. Accepting that your body is ever-evolving and some weeks you might do more, some less, and that’s ok.

Second, take a look at your routine and where you make time for yourself. Could you make small changes that would make a real difference to how you feel? Here’s a few practical, and achievable ideas to consider for your self-care routine:

  • Move daily, even if it's just a short walk.

  • Make conscious food choices, maximising veggies and minimising processed foods.

  • Prioritise establishing a consistent sleep routine.

  • Actively seek ways to socialise and get out there, find exciting new hobbies.

  • Allocate time for activities you enjoy, such as reading, taking a bath, listening to music, or whatever you enjoy.

  • Celebrate small victories, and reframe negative thoughts to foster positive mental health.

  • Reduce exposure or take more conscious breaks from the digital world, especially social media.

Remember, your life is a journey, not a race, take time to enjoy it, make mistakes - it’s fine, make changes - also fine. Progress, not perfection.

Let’s raise our imaginary glasses to a year of being kind to ourselves. Here’s to embracing yourself - simply, authentically, and positively, and rolling out those mats.

And as for the January blues? Well, with a dash of self-kindness and a sprinkle of Pilates, we’ll turn those blues into vibrant hues.

See you on the mat! 💖✨

Lauren x

If you can’t attend a class at the studio, our online studio membership has a wide and varied library of Pilates classes suitable for everyone from Pilates beginners onwards. Join our Pilates At Home community.

Lauren Hilton Pilates is a boutique Pilates studio specialising in mindful Pilates movement. Located in the heart of Shrewsbury our fully equipped studio has the ultimate Pilates experience for you.

Our classes are booked on a termly basis (and fill up quickly). To be one of the first to receive our booking alerts, subscribe to our emails.

See you on the mat!

Lauren x

Owner and Pilates teacher, Lauren Hilton Pilates, Shrewsbury


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